I *think* you can improve that a touch more by having the local roads be alternating one-way streets. In the case pictured, however, over 5 minutes the 4 lane avenue got 32 seconds of green for every 5 on the local road. If both roads have similar loads, that’s 50% green time for each, cutting the capacity of both in half. (The following is based on 15 minutes of me watching intersections with a stopwatch).Ĭonveniently, intersection signals in Cities: Skylines seem to be based on detectors: they’ll stay green for the last direction to have traffic, until either ~5 seconds elapse or vehicles arrive in a conflicting lane, whichever comes first. Even with relatively long stretches of high-density development, that’s only a few sims an RL minute at the fastest speed, versus many, many more on the bigger routes. That in turn means that, as planned, the only traffic on local roads is going to be those cims who have to use them. This means they’ll tend to funnel towards the larger roads, if given the choice. More importantly though, your cims select their routes based on time-to-destination, assuming no traffic (I don’t know this for a fact, but I’m pretty confident it’s mostly true). Good question, hypothetical reader! IRL the answer is style and money, the latter of which applies in-game too. “But why not just make ALL the roads 4 or 6 lanes, if they’re faster and have higher volume?” trains and subways), buses within the neighborhood, and your cims’ own two feet to get to the door. Public transit is the same idea: long, fast stretches for regional (e.g. As you can see, connecting roads don’t have to be single straight lines to the regional ones, so long as their intersections are relatively far apart. Here’s an example: all high-density with the only escapes the highway to the right and that one slightly orange 6-laner to the “north” and “south”.

feeding the outskirts of your city with a 6-lane road with intersections hundreds of meters apart. Highways obviously fit this, but any kind of road can fit this description if built the right way, e.g.

Regional roads are even faster: no intersections, no driveways, high speed limit. That said, you can still live or work on them. They’re wider, faster, and people travelling on them get higher priority at intersections than those on local roads. They don’t bring you anywhere themselves, other than maybe the corner store.Ĭonnecting roads get you around the neighborhood. Local roads should be where most people live they’re basically an extension to your driveway, letting you get to the real road network. This organization is how pretty much all cities are built IRL. The basic, textbook idea is simply three hierarchical levels of the network: local (2-lane roads), connecting (4- and 6-lanes) and regional (highways) (there’s really a fourth level, national, which in-game would be the outside connection, but we don’t build those so forget them). Remember that first picture of my city? Not a single garbage dump or incinerator is in view. TL DR : no congestion, quick commutes, and (most importantly) excellent access to city services. These two exits together are the main highway access for nearly 30 000 cims, and almost certainly as many jobs – not to mention Victoria U. This is the first exit to the only highway access to the city.Īnd this is downtown, in the middle of the action. No actual congestion, just the game telling me there’s high traffic volume, which I assume it uses to determine it’s a pretty noisy place to live. No traffic problems! Of course, the traffic overlay has some red spots, but… Not the biggest or most beautiful city by any means, but it has a delicious secret: Cities Skylines Traffic Guide by drushkey